

jdl008 蔬菜 2024-07-10 33浏览 0

l love my parents They like different kinds of vegetable and fruit such as apple, pear ,banana sttawberry and so onI think they don#39t like eat durian Because they think durian smell not good, thet like apple;What is your favorite vegetable? I enjoy eating carrots。

What vegetables do you like?Lots of girls like salad;what is your favorite vegetable?I like carrot。

1胡萝卜Carrot 胡萝卜中的胡萝卜素,人食后于体内可生成维生素A,具有稳定上皮细胞,阻止细胞过度增殖引起癌变的作用因胡萝卜素为脂溶性物质生吃不易被吸收,宜用油烹调后食用2海藻seaweed 其抗癌机制是海藻类菜包括海带紫菜裙带菜等所含纤维素高,不易被消化,可促进肠蠕动;黄瓜也是一种蔬菜!4tomato t#601#39mɑt#601u,t#601#39meit#601u,n西红柿, 蕃茄西红柿原产墨西哥,这种植物最初结一种枯萎多皱的果实,因而被误认为有害的到了16世纪,人们又传说西红柿能刺激性欲直到今天,法语还把西红柿叫作pomme d’amour爱情之果,英语也有把。

蔬菜的英文单词vegetablegreens 一vegetable 读音英 #39ved#658t#601bl 美 #39ved#658t#601bln 蔬菜植物植物人 adj 蔬菜的植物的 用法示例如下1Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?蕃茄是水果还是蔬菜?2We#39ve grown many vegetables in our garden;你好,高兴帮助你请采纳,谢谢我最爱的蔬菜是土豆这句话用英文表达My favorite vegetable is potato不用复数,就用potato 如果你要说 My favorite vegetables are potatoes也可以。

初一的I like to have milk and apple for breakfastI like to have rice,cabbage , chicken for lunchFor dinner, I like to have porriage。



2、With the development of sociaty,people are paying more and more attention to their healthThanks to some health problems caused by the traditional vegetalbles,peopel are caring more about the safety of the food they eatSo,green vegetables are becoming more and more popularCompared。

3、蔬菜英文单词Vegetables,蔬菜英文单词使用例子1新鲜水果和蔬菜提供植物纤维素和维生素Fresh fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins2谷类食品豆类水果和蔬菜中含有纤维素Fibre is found in cereal foods, beans, fruit and vegetables3他说他打算种植果树和蔬菜He says he。

4、各种常见的蔬菜的英文豌豆pea豆角bean油菜rape番茄tomato芹菜celery生菜lettuce黄瓜cucumber茄子eggplant胡萝卜carrot花椰菜broccoli词汇辨析一pea 英 pi#720 美 pin 豌豆 Does she like bean or pea ?她喜欢吃蚕豆还是豌豆?二bean 英 bi#720n 美。

5、tomato 番茄,西红柿 asparagus 芦笋 cucumber 黄瓜 aubergine, eggplant 茄子 bean 菜豆 beet, beetroot 甜菜 pepper 胡椒 pimiento 甜椒 potato 马铃薯 carrot 胡萝卜 cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin 西葫芦 broad bean 蚕豆 cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 chilli 辣椒 garlic 蒜。


What kind of vegetable do you like to haveeat?希望回答对你有帮助。

Which vegetable do you like?希望帮到你能帮望采纳谢谢。

“我最喜欢的蔬菜是胡萝卜” 用英语的说法是My favourite vegetable is carrot。




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