

jdl008 蔬菜 2024-07-09 37浏览 0

1vegetable 蔬菜的总类,泛指蔬菜 当用于表示蔬菜这一整体概念时,则为不可数名词We should often eat vegetable which is good for us我们应该常吃对我们有益的蔬菜2vegetables 不同种类的蔬菜 当用于表示蔬菜的种类时,为可数名词There are two vegetables in my vegetable garden我。

学农 study agriculture 挑粪 stir excrement 种菜 plant vegetables 下乡 go to the countryside 很准确的,我们写过这样的一篇作文~~。


种植的英文是quotgrowquot它是一个动词,表示植物生长的过程或人类培育植物的行为例如1Farmers grow crops in the fields农民在田地里种植庄稼2She grows flowers in her garden她在花园里种花3They are growing vegetables for their own consumption他们正在种植蔬菜以自己食用。

种菜 main weed 例句 What kind of dish would you prefer?您喜欢哪种菜He grows flowers as well as vegetables他既种菜也种花What kind of food do you prefer?你喜欢哪一种菜Which do you think is the best?您认为哪一种菜最好Which kind of food is your favorite?你最喜欢哪。

vegetable 读法英 #712ved#658t#601bl 美 #712v#603d#658t#601b#601l, #712v#603d#658#618t#601释义1n蔬菜植物 2adj蔬菜的植物的 词汇搭配1live on vegetables吃素 2market vegetables把蔬菜运往市场 3vegetable。

55 grow vegetables 种植蔬菜 56 make tools 制作工具 57 plant flowers 种花 58 raise animals 喂养动物 59 cut out 剪下 60 talk about 谈论61 want to do 想要做62 I would like = I’d like 63 pick up 接人拾起 64 ligh。

种植的英文翻译plantgrowraisecultivate例句他说他打算种植果树和蔬菜He says he plans to plant fruit trees and vegetables英语翻译技巧1省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译。

a delicious dishes, very nutritious, I like to eat my vegetables翻译 我家有一块大大的菜地爷爷在菜地里栽上许多菜秧子,然后爷爷给它们浇水,浇肥,锄草,不久就长出了绿绿的空心菜,长长的黄爪,还有又白又长又胖的大冬爪,最长的有1米2高呢!爷爷种的菜好吃,非常有营养,我喜欢吃爷爷种的菜。

种植的英语读作 plant 拓展种植是农业中一个重要的环节,也是人类造福于社会的大事业之一增加农作物总产量,改变作物品质,提高农民收入,使农作物生长更健康,抵抗病虫害,更加地适合人们的口味,这都体现了种植的重要性种植条件是农作物顺利发育的基础首先,选择合适的地块土地是产物的根基。

种植的英语短语是关于植物和花卉的常用词汇例如,grow plants种植植物plant seeds种植种子water flowers浇花trim hedges修剪树篱fertilize soil施肥等等这些词语被广泛用于园艺活动农业种植花卉观赏等环节种植活动已经成为越来越受欢迎的休闲娱乐方式在家中种植自己的蔬。

grow 作及物动词时多指“种植,培育”We grow flowers and vegetables in our garden我们在庭园里种植鲜花和蔬菜 develop 作及物动词有不少搭配如develop one#39s interest 培养兴趣 develop a goodbad habit 养成好坏 习惯 develop one#39s skillstalents 发展某人技能或才能 develop films 冲洗。


蔬菜英文单词Vegetables,蔬菜英文单词使用例子1新鲜水果和蔬菜提供植物纤维素和维生素Fresh fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins2谷类食品豆类水果和蔬菜中含有纤维素Fibre is found in cereal foods, beans, fruit and vegetables3他说他打算种植果树和蔬菜He says he。

vegetable KK DJ n1 蔬菜青菜CWe grow a lot of different vegetables我们种植多种不同的蔬菜She likes vegetables她喜欢蔬菜2 植物U3 植物人CThe freshmen always seem like vegetables新生看起来总像植物人Since the car accident, she#39s just been a vegetable。

您好,翻译为 Thefarmer plante vegetable is very tired 希望帮助你。

Today is Saturday,the sky cloudlessMorning,Grandpa and I,my mother came to our class farm vegetablesSaturday#39s campus is very quiet,there are some students are playing football on the playground onlyGrandpa this brings a lot of spinach seeds,the seeds are green,smallWe began。

选C,像这种情况下grow是指植物的自然生长,不用plant被栽种,也不用被动plant grow 这两个动词都有quot种quot的意思,区别如下1 plantquot种植quot,及物或不及物均可,常指移植已长成秧苗的植物,可用于quotplant+场地+withquot结构如They planted trees in the garden = They planted the garden。



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