

jdl008 水果 2024-07-10 37浏览 0

1、蔬菜店水果店 green grocery green grocer#39s 蔬菜店 vegetables shop 鞋帽店 shoes and hats store 百货公司 department store 百货商场 general merchandise market 服装店 clothing store 成衣店 readymade clothes shop 呢绒绸布店 wool, silk and cotton fabrics store 药店美杂货店 drug store pharmacy;grocery,英文单词,主要用作为名词,作名词时译为“食品杂货店食品杂货”Green Grocery 蔬菜水果店 蔬菜店水果店 水果蔬菜店 蔬菜生果店 grocery shopping 买菜 生活必需品的购买 去杂货店 买食品杂货 grocery department 贸易 食品杂货部门 食品干货部 Grocery choice 食品选择;Green#39s Fruit Store Green#39s fruit store sells nearly all kinds of fruitsLying on the shelves are green melons,red apples and yellow bananasOf the virtues of the orange I have not room fully to speak It has properties of health giving, as it cures influenza and establishes;in the greengrocer’s shop可以翻译为“在蔬菜水果店”重点单词greengrocer英 #712ɡri#720nɡr#601#650s#601r 美 #712ɡri#720nɡro#650s#601rn 蔬菜水果商菜贩 词形变换 复数 greengrocers 相关短语a greengrocer 新鲜水果和蔬菜零售商 Th;greengrocer#39s读音是#39grin,gr#601us#601z1短语搭配 at the greengrocer#39s在蔬菜水果店在聚的在菜贩的greengrocer#39s fruit and vegetable store蔬菜水果店2英语释义 someone whose job is to sell fruit and vegetables in a store called a greengrocer’s3;1Excuse me Which is the way to the station?2Excuse meCan you tell me the way to the station?3Excuse me How can I get to the station?确保正确,祝你进步采纳为盼1Excuse meWhich is the way to the Police Station?2Excuse me Can you help me find a fruit。

2、etc Yangmei eat something else felt by its acid down teeth Kids, you must protect the teeth, to know more about the fruits of knowledge oh!翻译我们家门前,有一家水果店,那儿有石榴橘子葡萄西瓜和哈密瓜等一些新鲜的水果,水果店作文 我试了一片橘子,那橘子又酸又甜,但是;afruitshop水果店是一个名词,用英语翻译是afruitshopa表示一个,fruit意思是水果,shop表示商店,是生活当中常见的英语词组;greengrocer,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意思是“蔬菜水果商菜贩”四短语搭配 a greengrocer新鲜水果和蔬菜零售商 the greengrocer菜店 br greengrocer菜贩 五词形变化 复数 greengrocers 六双语例句 The greengrocer tried to sell my wife some overripe fruit, but she soon told him。

3、Cured Meat Shop 腊味店 Roast Meat Shop 烤肉店 Beancurd Shop 豆腐店 Aquatic Products Shop 水产店 Meat Shop, Butcheracutes Shop 肉店 Vegetables Shop 蔬菜店 Green Grocery 蔬菜水果店 Fowl Shop 家禽店 Coal Shop 煤店 Clothing Store 服装店 Readymade Clothes Shop 成衣店 Drug Store;Get huge Bargains on Fresh FruitGet the latest promotions from XXX公司名Take the Top Discounts on Fruit Baskets, fresh imported Fruits here50% off on local fruitsOne discount voucher will be given on the first orderExclusive 25% off for imported fruitsOpen 7。

4、英文作文,不必写得太复杂,写得越复杂越容易出错不同的年级要求不同按这种标题,一般都是中小学的作文题吧第一段开篇明义,说你最喜欢的商店是什么,比如书店服装店鞋店水果店等等比较有内涵的写书店My favourite shop is bookstore也可以写水果店My favourite shop is fruit shop;Of the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange In the first place it is a perennialif not in actual fact, at least in the greengrocer’s shop On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little preserved ginger, when macédoine。

5、Sales clerkquotSir,Can I help you?quotCustomerquotyes,I heva Buy a little fruit”Sales clerk”Our this kind many,What fruit?”CustomerquotGive present ought to what to give fruit well”Sales clerk”The apple , grape , banana, are all not bad”CustomerquotI think of down”Sale;Fruit shop, a barber shop, a vegetable shop, a meat shop, a pharmacy, a furniture shop 英式音标fru#720t #643#594p , #601 e#618 #712bɑ#720b#601 #643#594p , #601 e#618 #712ved#658t#601b#601。

6、There are many different kinds of stores selling fruits, clothes, books in the neighborhood where Lisa lives。



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