

jdl008 水果 2024-09-02 28浏览 0

  在ETS给出的托福写作官方评分标准中,我们总结一共有四条,Elaboration、organization、logical connection和language use。在organization中, 有一条准则是作文要做到Unity,即一致性。


  简单来说就是整篇文章只说一件事,即在整篇文章的层面上,开头、结尾、和主体段都要围绕题目的主题展开,在每一个主体段内,每一个supporting sentence都要支持topic sentence的论点。这个要求看起来简单,实际上却是考生们最容易丢分犯错的地方。

Thesis statement

Topic sentence

Supporting sentence

Concluding sentence


每一个topic sentence都要支持thesis statement

每一个supporting sentence都要是topic sentence的解释说明或者举例说明





  Many people have thing what kind of work they should taking for long time. Under this situation, some people start to consider that whether when people have the chance to get a secure job they should take it right away or they should wait for job that would be more satisfying. From my perspective, this problem requires classification to decide, because different kind of people will benefit from both way to take job.

  Initially, I think older people should take the secure job when they have opportunity, because most of older people need the steady income to support their family daily used.Few could deny that, secure job provide people's steady income, once people lose job they need to find a new one, but during the time they do not have job,they need to pinch and scrape to support their life. So it is obvious that older people should choice to have secure job to ensure their life, moreover,if they have the children's to go to school, it is also a large amount ofspending, which means secure job is the best way older people should take. For example my uncle Tom, he is a train driver before he get some little money to show off, but he feel unsatisfied about their life, he want to be a rich person to splurge, so he choice to ahead of time to retired and then use the money he have deposited for hole life to do the risk investment, and then he failed about his business, at now he need to borrow money to support his son go to the university.

  Additionally, the young people should taking the risk to wait satisfying job, because they still have a lot of time to strive for better life, when young people have any chance got promote they should take the chance and work hard with it, because life is short and we all only live once, so the people should not leave any regret when they still young, when they became old, they won't feel sorry about oneself.Also if so many young people working hard to get satisfying position, it also will be positive affect for the society, to inspire more younger people to work harder. For instance my friend Tim is an designer, when he graduate from the university, a famous designer company in the Europe hade invite him to join in,but he didn't stop his pace to improve himself, after three years, he got job-hopping to the Japan, at now he work under the Nendo.

  首先这篇文章并没有结尾段,在完整性上没能达到unity的要求。其次,thesis statement表意含糊,有语病,使读者不能明确掌握作者的观点。




  第二步是要搭建桥梁(build up bridges),段落与段落之间,句子与句子之间需要少量重复的关键字来使文章一直围绕着一个主题展开。







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